Thursday, January 5, 2017

Telling Your Story: Part 2

Now, are you ready to start creating your compelling story?? (Make sure you read the introduction in Part 1)
Here are some more tips to help you on your way.

Point 1 of your story is to share where you were before you began your journey that you are sharing. This is the part where you share your pain, frustrations, what was holding you back and what propelled your desire to seek answers. Use lots of descriptive and emotional words in this part of your story.

Think about where you were:

  • What was your life like at that time? 
  • How did you feel about yourself? 
  • Describe your pain and frustrations. 
  • What didn't you know? 
  • How was your health? 
  • What were your relationships like? 

Point 2 of your story is to share where you are now  that you have found your purpose, goals, and life mission. Share your successes! Even if you are still on your journey, you are qualified to have a "success story". Look for it! I know its there! If you are stuck, ask your network, family and friends to help point things out.

Most people really have a hard time with this step.
Success is a journey not a destination, but you have made progress-- Share the Progress! 

Think about where you are now:

  • What is your life like today?
  • How do you feel about yourself?
  • Describe your joys and triumphs!
  • How have relationships improved? 
  • What is it like to have found the right path?
Now Thing of some things you have learned along the way.  When you share your story you will share 2-3 points, but you want to have a more like 7 or 8 so you can tailor your story to your audience.  For example: when I'm sharing my product for sale, I will  talk about how the product has helped me and my family in our everyday life. If I am sharing my business to a future team member I will share what I have learned about the business. If I am sharing leadership and building my brand, I will talk about what I have learned about marketing correctly. 

I hope this helps you build your own powerful story to share with your prospects and lead them through the sales process of working with you! 

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